Energy Transition Conference – 20 September 2023

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Content of 20 Sept 23 Energy Transition Conference

Aims to

  • Establish working groups to facilitate the implementation of renewable energy projects across the region.
  • Offer networking opportunities to all interested actors to connect at the regional scale and organize partnerships to implement renewable energy projects and support the energy transition process. 
  • Identify key financing opportunities to support the implementation of renewable energy projects in the CEEC region.

Topics covered

  • Sustainable energy transition trajectories.
  • Solar, hydro, wind and biomass – challenges and opportunities.
  • Central actors for energy transition – coordination and support.  
  • Examples of good practices from across the region – technology and policy know-how. 
  • Financing energy transition – private, public and EU funds.

Event Structure

  • 10:00 – 10:10 Goal and agenda of the working group.
  • 10:10 – 10:35 Keynote: Hans van Steen (Principal Advisor to the Deputy Director General, DG ENER, European Commission) –                            EU Strategy towards a CO2 free European energy sector. 
  • 10:35 – 11:00 Discussion with Hans van Steen
  • 11:00 – 12:20 State of the art industry presentations:
    • Alexander Peschl (SIEMENS Energy) – Industrial heat pumps: Best practice from the City of Mannheim. 
    • Klaus Payrhuber (INNIO Jenbacher) – H2 ready Gas Engines.
    • Michael Ebner (voestalpine High Performance Metals GmbH) – inSPire Climate Impact – Following the path to zero emissions. 
    • Jean Taillon (ANDRITZ) – Biomass gasification for advanced biofuels by ANDRITZ Biomass
  • 12:20 – 12:55 Panel discussion on strategic, legal, political, administrative and economic challenges and solutions to improve energy transition:
    • Alexander Peschl (Siemens Energy).
    • Klaus Payrhuber (Innio Jenbacher).
    • Michael Ebner (voestalpine).
    • Jean Taillon (ANDRITZ).
    • Cornelya Vaquette (Industry Association Building Materials Austria)
  • 12:55 – 13:00 Wrap up and follow-up steps.

Download or view the Abstracts of the previous events

View the Abstracts of 20 Sep 2023 event

Alexander Peschl (SIEMENS Energy) – Industrial heat pumps: Best practice from the City of Mannheim 

Together with the Mannheimer utility MVV, Siemens Energy is building a large-scale heat pump plant in Mannheim. It will use river water as a heat source, helping to reduce the use of coal at the Grosskraftwerk Mannheim plant. The new heat pump is the first step towards the goal of green district heating. MVV and the City of Mannheim is targeting to become CO2 neutral in the district heating production by 2030.

Klaus Payrhuber (INNIO Jenbacher) – Hydrogen ready Gas Engines

In this presentation the benefits of decentralized and dispatchable power plants are explained for balancing the volatility of renewables or provide sustainable backup power in case of a grid failure. The focus is on the roadmap to transfer from natural gas to renewable gas usage based on biomethane and hydrogen.
Based on a dark doldrum example it is explained why a battery storage system is not suitable and a hydrogen based solution is much more feasible.
We will present the most attractive applications using hydrogen to produce local power.
The presentation also explains the benefits of high efficiency CHP and how a flexible CHP solution can be designed to meet future demand as a complement to volatile renewables.

Michael Ebner  (voestalpine High Performance Metals GmbH) –  inSPire Climate Impact – Following the path to zero emissions 

voestalpine High Performance Metals Division has set a target to reduce its CO2 emissions by 50% in Scopes 1 & 2 by 2030 based on 2019. In addition to green energy, a further improvement in energy efficiency is one of our key success factors. Examples for realization of our goals are investments in modern and efficient burner- and furnace control systems. We are also transitioning to green gases and electrification. The progress of these projects is tracked through detailed roadmaps and reporting systems.

Jean Taillon (ANDRITZ) – Biomass gasification for advanced biofuels by ANDRITZ

Advanced biofuels, defined as derived from biomass, are an alternative pathway for the production of renewable methanol, gasoline, diesel, aviation fuels through various synthesis. Within Advanced Biofuels, two technological pathways are possible; Biomass-to-Liquid (BtL) or Power-Biomass-to-Liquid (PBtL). ANDRITZ can supply both with our in-house gasification and electrolysis technologies.      This presentation will focus on the gasification portion and explain the key differences between these two pathways as well as describe the capabilities of ANDRITZ in gasification. 

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Who do we bring together?

  • We bring together all key strategy actors (ministries, public officials, municipalities, industry associations, energy producers, renewable energy solution providers, regulators) in Europe with an initial focus on Southeastern Europe and Eastern Europe.

How do we bring them together?

  • Through closed groups on the online crowd knowledge platform –
  • Through quarterly online working group meetings and two bi-annual online conferences.

Why do we bring them together?

  • To regularly exchange, technical operational, and strategic know-how and best practices on energy transition.
  • To conduct training for service companies and municipalities on renewable energy solutions and implementation strategies.
  • To develop strategy recommendations and position papers to improve the legal, political and economic environment for the successful energy transition in Europe.
  • To develop projects on renewable energies and to implement them.


20 Sep 2023


10:00 - 13:00

Local Time

  • Timezone: Europe/Berlin
  • Date: 20 Sep 2023
  • Time: 10:00 - 13:00

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