Most frequent questions and answers

NOTE: Please make sure that you are either registered or logged into wethink.eu

Next, navigate to “Strategy Groups”. Click on a group you would like to join.

If the group is open, you have to click on “Join the group” on the right (see screenshot). 

If the group is private you need to request membership in order to join (see screenshot). 

Once you have been accepted into a group, you can read the posts and strategy projects on the web platform and the app.

NOTE: Please make sure that you are either registered or logged into wethink.eu

The process of joining a strategy project is similar as joining a group. First, you need to navigate to “General Strategy Discussion”. Then you click on a Strategy Project you would like to join.

On the right side you see a button called “Request Membership”. If the Strategy Project is open, you are able to join it immediately. If it is private you need to wait until the initiator or a moderator accepts your request. 

Now you are able to add your thoughts to the Strategy Project and view them in your app. 

NOTE: If you want to view a Strategy Project of a group in your app, you just need to join the group.