waste in construction

weTHINK.eu – Unmanned system threats against critical infrastructure and urban settings

Events 2023 overview

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weTHINK. together with its partners will publish a position paper on Refuse Derived Fuels (RDF) and their energy utilization in the cement industry.
● To serve as a technical argumentation of the advantages, strengths and opportunities of using RDF for stakeholders and decision-makers.
● Taking into account different areas of the RDF value chain
          ○ Starting with the production, through the qualities and quality assurance, to the utilization of RDF in the cement industry.
● Outlining the (inter)national norms, regulations, guidelines, technical standards and scientific publications and reports etc.


The goals of the project are:
● To establish a scientifically based, independent answer to all relevant questions of the permitting authorities regarding RDF & SRF application in the industry.
● To raise the acceptance of RDF & SRF usage in the industry by the public, media and politicians.
● To contribute to the reduction of the landfill rate to the EU target level of 10% of waste / country.

As part of this work package, the relevant documents on RDF/SRF are researched, analyzed and summarized according to project goals. The research focuses on the following areas:
          ● Legal requirements.
          ● Normative rules.
          ● Technical standards.
          ● Technological reports.
          ● Scientific publications.

AGENDA (2hrs or less)

  • 1600 – 1605 (5 min): Introduction and  Agenda Ingo Mayr-Knoch (weTHINK.) 
  • 1605 – 1635 (30 min) Keynote 1: Results of the weTHINK. Wargame on  CUAS defence for critical infrastructure Kerry Chavez (Texas Tech University).
  • 1635 – 1650 (15 min) Keynote 2: Best practices for critical infrastructure and event companies for CUAS. Christopher Church (Interpol)
  • 1650 – 1720: Panel discussion: Christopher Church (Interpol), Susanne Winderl (IABG), & Thomas Adams (AeroVigilance)
  • 1720 to 1755: Open discussion 
  • 1755- 1800: Next steps Ingo Mayr-Knoch 


Join our Strategy Groups!

You want to discuss more about this topic? Join our Strategy Group on Waste and continue the discussion on wethink.eu! Click the button below to register and to join our groups. If you are not sure how to do that, check out our FAQ page or contact us at info@wethink.eu.

Who do we bring together?

  • We bring together all key strategy actors (ministers, public officials, municipalities, industry associations, waste collection, recycling/ treatment companies, in Europe with an initial focus on Southeastern Europe and Eastern Europe.

How do we bring together?

  • Through closed groups on the online crowd knowledge platform – weTHINK.eu.
  • Through bi-monthly online working group meetings and two bi-annual online conferences.

Why do we bring them together?

  • To regularly exchange, technical operational and strategic know how and best practices on waste and waste management. 
  • To conduct training for service companies and municipalities on water and waste  management.
  • To develop strategy recommendations and position papers to improve  the legal, political and economic environment for successful waste circularity.
  • To develop projects on waste circularity and to implement them.
  • To improve waste circularity in Europe.


23 Sep 2023


16:00 - 18:10

Local Time

  • Timezone: Europe/Berlin
  • Date: 23 Sep 2023
  • Time: 16:00 - 18:10

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