Building a better future for Southeastern Europe together

It has now become obvious that to foster a durable and resilient economic recovery after the COVID-19 crisis, much more than a return to ‘business as usual’ is required. To foster a green and digital growth of Southeastern European countries’ economies, the weTHINK. launched a weTHINK. Sustainable Europe Initiative. Using an innovative strategy-making approach, including all relevant stakeholders and considering every single opinion-maker participating, weTHINK. strives at creating a strong network of so called smart THINKERS – businesses and other stakeholders that can significantly contribute to building smart communities in their local environments and in the region.

Goals and Overview

Goal 1

Regional community and network building

in order to establish cooperation on different levels; also for the later forming of potential consortiums and responding to the new realities together

Goal 2

Cross-boarder peer-learning experience

through which the already established good practices are not already presented, but also represented by the people implementing them

Goal 3

Forecasting potential future tech-solutions needed

by discussing the remaining challenges and obstacles in the communities built

Focus Topics

Waste Management

Within the EU environmental acquis, waste-management is one of the most demanding sectors in terms of the resources – both human and financial – needed for the adaptation of the relevant EU legislation and implementation of this new circular agenda.

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ver the past 50 years, the role and importance of plastics in our economy has consistently grown. In the EU, the potential for recycling plastic waste remains largely unexploited. Reuse and recycling of end-of-use plastics remains very low, particularly in comparison with other materials such as paper, glass or metals.

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The energy sector in Southeast Europe faces a unique dual transition, a challenge without any precedent in the field of energy: transition from a centralised state-controlled system to open and competitive markets, and transition towards decarbonisation.

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