weTHINK – Unmanned system threats against critical infrastructure and urban settings

Events 2021 overview

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  • Goals:

    Present the results of the weTHINK. Crowd based wargame  forecasting threats against critical infrastructure (e.g. soccer stadium) 

  • Present the results of weTHINK. Tabletop wargame how to defend a soccer stadium against Unmanned threats. 

  • Discuss best practices for Critical infrastructure company to mitigate UAV threats.

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  • 16:00 – 16:05 (5 min): Introduction and  Agenda Ingo Mayr-Knoch (weTHINK.) 
  • 16:05 – 16:35 (30 min) Keynote 1: Results of the weTHINK. Wargame on  CUAS defence for critical infrastructure Kerry Chavez (Texas Tech University).
  • 16:35 – 16:50 (15 min) Keynote 2: Best practices for critical infrastructure and event companies for CUAS. Christopher Church (Interpol)
  • 16:50 – 17:20 Panel discussion: Christopher Church (Interpol), Denis Zetzmann (IABG), & Tom Adams (AeroVigilance), Mike Monnik (DroneSec).
  • 17:20 to 17:55: Open discussion 
  • 17:55- 18:00 Next steps: Ingo Mayr-Knoch 

What is the Uas/ugs groups?

  • WeTHINK.  brings together subject matter experts (SME) and stakeholders to identify emerging threats and develop and exchange best practices to protect critical infrastructure against UAS threats through an innovative crowd knowledge based wargame approach.

How do we bring them together?

  • Through regular crowd based online wargames and simulations 

    • In cooperation with our partners at 

      • The Center for Advanced Red Teaming (CART) of the University of Albany

      • University of West England UWE Bristol

      • Texas Tech University

      • University of Piraeus

      • Dronesec 

    • The Red Teams are based on an innovative crowd knowledge approach, bringing together 600 vetted subject matter experts to develop the most probable and most dangerous courses of action for generalised critical infrastructure sites and public venues. 

    • The moderated Blue Teams are composed of real life actors (police, emergency service, critical infrastructure companies, CUAS companies) to develop defensive COAs for specific real life objects.  

    • Courses of actions are tested 

      • Through an online based computer simulation rendering real life critical infrastructure objects. (under development) 

      • Physical simulation events conducted once per year.


29 Sep 2023


16:00 - 18:00

Local Time

  • Timezone: Europe/Berlin
  • Date: 29 Sep 2023
  • Time: 16:00 - 18:00

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