weTHINK. Waste Circularity RDF/SRF online conference – 29 NOV 2023
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“The Contribution of Alternative Fuels to the Waste Circularity Goals of the EU (RDF/SRF)”.
10.00 – 10.05 Greeting participants.
10.05 – 10.10 Introduction round of participants (Ingo Mayr-Knoch, CEO weTHINK.)
10.10 – 10.40 Keynote: The Contribution of Alternative Fuels to the Waste Circularity Goals of the EU, Prof. Pomberger and Prof. Renato Sarc (University of Leoben)
10.40 – 11.00 Keynote: Quality assurance system for solid recovered fuels in Austria – status quo and developments, Monika Denner (Environment Agency Austria/Ministry for Climate Protection)
11.00 – 12.00 Panel discussion – Brainstorming on strategic, legal, political, administrative and economic challenges and solutions to improve waste circularity and alternative fuel use.
- Tomaz Vuk, Salonit Anhovo
Ministries of the Environment of Albania, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia
Roland Pomberger and Renato Sarc, University of Leoben
Monika Denner, Environment Agency Austria/Ministry for Climate Protection
Hanns Moshammer, Medical University of Vienna
Bojan Pahor, Saubermacher Slovenia
Robert Uveg, CRH
12.00 – 12.55 Open discussion.
12.55 – 13.00 Wrap up and follow-up steps.
Supported by:
Prof. Dr. Roland Pomberger and Ass.Prof. Dr. Renato Sarc:
Both are from Chair of Waste Processing Technology and Waste Management of the Austrian Montanuniversitaet Leoben. Both are internationally recognized experts in scientific fields of waste treatment & management and energy recovery in cement industry. They are Authors of the “Circularity Position Paper on Manufacturing, Quality, Quality Assurance and Co-processing of SRF in Cement Industry” that will be presented in detail during the event
· For SRF production in a mechanical multistage processing plant, only non-hazardous mixed wastes from municipal, commercial and industrial sectors are used. Next, non-recyclable residues from sorting and splitting plants for separately collected waste like plastics, paper etc. are used.
· Term “co-processing” comprises industrial processes that simultaneously enable energy recovery and recycling of the mineral content and thereby allow for the replacement of both mineral resources and fossil fuels.
· Way of feeding fuel into the kiln is very important, as this can have a direct effect on the resulting emissions. There is a technical reason and a legal restriction that restrains the location of the fuel feeding ports in the kiln system.
· In the kilns for the production of cement clinker, the gas temperatures are high enough (up to 2,000°C) and retention times long enough to destroy organic compounds and reduce the production of dioxins and furans to the minimum possible, which is within the limits of legal regulations and therefore environmentally acceptable.
· In countries (Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Poland etc.) where high thermal substitution rates are reached in cement industry there are no harmful effects to people & environment documented that are related to SRF utilization
Abstract Keynote Dipl.-Ing. Monika Denner Umweltbundesamt (Environment Agency Austria)Role of quality concepts in the context of SRF;
- Sampling, sample preparation, data evaluation and comparison to limit values.
- End of waste criteria in the context of the Austrian waste incineration ordinance for solid recovered fuels and SRF products.
- Outlook regarding new projects at TC 300 level.
Doz. Dr. Hanns Moshammer Head of the Department of Environmental Health, Zentrum für Public Health, Medizinische Universität WienProfessor for Environmental Health (Guest lecturer) at the Karakalpak Medical Institute (Nukus, Uzbekistan)
His research interests are with all possible health effects of environmental exposures with a focus on air pollution, climate change, and occupational settings. These research topics are examined through epidemiological methods.
Róbert Üveg
CRH Cement Alternative Fuels and Raw materials manager for Central & Eastern Europe Division
Dr. Bojan Pahor,
Saubermacher Slovenia Head of RND and Project coordination.
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Who do we bring together?
- We bring together all key strategy actors (ministers, public officials, municipalities, industry associations, waste collection, recycling/ treatment companies, in Europe with an initial focus on Southeastern Europe and Eastern Europe.
How do we bring together?
- Through closed groups on the online crowd knowledge platform – weTHINK.eu.
- Through bi-monthly online working group meetings and two bi-annual online conferences.
Why do we bring them together?
- To regularly exchange, technical operational and strategic know how and best practices on waste and waste management.
- To conduct training for service companies and municipalities on water and waste management.
- To develop strategy recommendations and position papers to improve the legal, political and economic environment for successful waste circularity.
- To develop projects on waste circularity and to implement them.
- To improve waste circularity in Europe.
CETLocal Time
- Timezone: Europe/Berlin
- Date: 29 Nov 2023
- Time: 10:00 - 13:00
Next Event
- weTHINK. Waste Circularity RDF/SRF online conference – 28 MAY 2025
- Wed 05 2025
CET- 10:00 - 13:00